Small to medium businesses (SME or SMB) are born because the entrepreneur actually knows to do something.
Mere Ideas and capacity to do something on their own are not sufficient. Business Plan has to be made, Actual needs to be verified and corrective action needs to be taken and winning strategies have to be formulated. None of these normally get done. No wonder, 75% of the startups fold within five years and of the balance, 90% are not in growth track, not there where they should have been.
Entrepreneurs’ Dilemma
Some entrepreneurial characteristics for the successful entrepreneur mindset
Entrepreneurs spend their working day mostly in firefighting. Even before one problem is solved another problem crops up. They should, instead spend their day in doing what they know and in furthering the satisfied customer base. This is not possible without professional help.
If SMEs get CXO help from a right affordable source based on need to Transform their business, it can work like a million army to win clients and grow exponentially.